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Leading Scientists programme

helping scientists become leaders

Welcome to coachGraham’s Leading Scientists programme!

Are you a technical expert, a scientist, or a researcher with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in your field? Considering or taking the step into a leadership role within your scientific or technical organization? If so, you're in the right place.

Giving a Presentation

Leading Scientists

Two degrees in physics and two decades in the realm of commercial science have shaped my journey. I've played multiple roles: geek, number cruncher, software developer, and analyst. I've also led teams, managed projects, served as a diplomatic client representative, championed diversity, mastered scientific communication, advocated for my staff, and become an ambassador for science and technology. With this diverse background, I intimately understand the unique challenges and opportunities faced by experienced technical professionals making the significant shift into leadership. Feeling like you've entered new scientific territory or grappling with imposter syndrome is par for the course.

The Leading Scientists programme is your navigation chart on this transformational voyage. Whether you need to lead teams, excel in project management, or become a confident communicator with senior executives and external stakeholders, I'm here to help you develop the skills and leader's mindset that will ensure you thrive in this brave new world.

The heart of this programme is personalized 1:1 coaching, tailored exclusively to your unique strengths and needs. Effective leadership, unlike the scientific method, isn't one-size-fits-all, but must be tailored specifically to every individual and organisation. Together, we'll unlock your unique leadership potential and style, ensuring you don't merely adapt to the demands of leadership but truly excel in them.

Leading Scientists in Organisations

I'm also very interested in offering this programme to a cohort of new and aspiring leaders within technical companies. If you have some colleagues in similar positions - or are an HR Manager representing some - click the button below and let's discuss possibilities. Naturally I'd be happy to tailor the package to your specific requirements, and price appropriately for scale. 

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Leading Scientists 
in organisations

Leading Scientists in Organisations

This programme is particularly appropriate for a cohort of new and aspiring leaders within technical companies. If you have colleagues in similar positions - or are an HR Manager representing some - click the button below and let's discuss possibilities.
Naturally I'd be happy to tailor the package to your specific requirements, and price appropriately for scale.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the specific learning objectives of the programme?

Each programme is tailored for the individual, but participants typically develop key skills such as:

  • emotional intelligence;

  • managing people;

  • communications skills – particularly with reference to a non-technical audience;

  • time management;

  • project management;

  • prioritisation;

  • motivating a team;

  • self confidence.

Could you describe the coaching process in more detail?

My approach to coaching uses evidence-based techniques drawn from modalities including person centred, cognitive-behavioural, and existential coaching. I also introduce concepts from transactional analysis and neuro-linguistic programming, as appropriate for each individual client. Every one has unique needs.

However, the key elements that make the process work are empathy and rapport. In the session, it will feel simply like a really focused chat with a good friend and confidant. I will invite you to reflect on what you want to work on, and bring energy from your emotions as well as intellect to it. In this way we develop a deeper understanding of the challenges, and can produce truly effective approaches.  

What is the duration and frequency of coaching sessions?

The core programme runs over three months, with five 1:1 sessions during that time plus a follow-up around the six-month mark.

I’ve recently been promoted, with a few colleagues. Can we work together?

The Leading Scientists programme is particularly suitable for use within organisations. Although 1:1 sessions remain at the core, I can incorporate scheduled peer-support sessions, group training and workshops. And of course, economies of scale allow me to offer discounts for larger packages.

How do I sign up?

Get in touch and book a free Discovery Call for the Leading Scientists programme. 

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